Can Coffee Cause Constipation? Why and How to Prevent It?

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We talk about the benefits of drinking coffee all the time. In rare cases, people discuss the common side effects of drinking coffee. For instance, you can notice a change in your bowel movements after drinking coffee.

Many people have experienced that coffee gives them the urge to poop. In contrast, some people believe they struggle with constipation after drinking coffee.

Both opinions are deceptive. After reading them, you can also ask – do coffee cause constipation or poop? The answer to this question is – it can do both.

Coffee, in general, will assist you in loose stools. But, overdrinking and additives will bring about the opposite result.

Read the article carefully to learn if coffee causes constipation and other relevant information.

Why does coffee cause constipation?

Drinking coffee makes most drinkers poop by loosening their bowel movements. However, the opposite happens when someone goes through dehydration.

Excessive caffeine intake can dehydrate your body and forces your intestine to soak up plentiful water from food waste. High caffeine doses also influence frequent urination and let extra salt and water out from your body during peeing. Thus, it can slow down your bowel movement and harden stools.

However, caffeine is not the only culprit that causes constipation. Coffee additives like creamer and sweeteners can worsen the condition.

Most coffee creamers contain lactose and gluten. People with lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance may experience constipation after drinking coffee with creamers.

Similarly, both natural and artificial sweeteners can cause constipation. Some people experience constipation and other bowel issues after consuming sweeteners like Stevia with coffee and other foods.

Constipation is quite normal in general and can happen for many other reasons.

Does black coffee cause constipation?

Since coffee additives can aggravate constipation, many coffee drinkers will switch to black coffee after knowing that. Is black coffee good or bad for constipation? The answer is it depends.

Drinking black coffee in moderation is very healthy. Coffee prepared with a simple brewing method is a natural drink and a source of essential antioxidants for the human body. It will clean your gastro function by creating a laxative effect.

However, excess of anything is bad. Overdrinking coffee can be threatening for anyone. It can lead to uncontrolled acid production in your body. Finally, you may experience dehydration which is a major reason for constipation.

Does decaffeinated coffee cause constipation?

Like regular coffee, decaf coffee will generally provide the same laxative effect. However, the action will be slower due to the lower presence of caffeine in decaf coffee grounds.

Decaffeinated coffee will also make you poop like regular coffee grounds. But, the effect can be the opposite if you drink decaf coffee with unhealthy additives.

We already know that caffeine is not the only culprit that causes constipation. Though decaf coffee contains almost no caffeine, you may still struggle with constipation because of drinking it with unhealthy coffee additives.

Is coffee a laxative?

Is coffee a laxative

Yes, coffee works as a laxative for many people. But, its effect will vary depending on a person’s physical condition.

Drinking coffee raises the level of Gastrin, a hormone the stomach produces to fuel gastric acid deliverance. As a result, your colon becomes more active, and you can feel the urge to poop.

Research from PubMed shows that drinking both regular and decaf coffee raises the Gastrin level to 2.3 times.

Coffee also raises Cholecystokinin levels. Cholecystokinin is a digestive hormone that speeds up bowel movement, which means food moves through the colon faster. All points indicate that the laxative effect of coffee is true.

Should You Use Coffee As a Laxative?

The previous discussion can influence readers to use coffee as a laxative. However, no one should do it without a doctor’s recommendation. People with caffeine sensitivity can experience extreme side effects rather than laxative effects while using coffee like this.

Overdose of caffeine can cause insomnia, anxiety, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, and restlessness. Moreover, coffee works as a diuretic, which means it will force you to frequent urination. It can dehydrate you faster, a common reason behind constipation.

So, using coffee regularly as a laxative is not a good idea at all.

How to Prevent Constipation Caused by Coffee?

The following tips will help you prevent constipation caused by drinking coffee.

  • Always keep your body hydrated, no matter whether you drink coffee or not. Make sure you drink plenty of water daily, even before drinking coffee.
  • Do not violate the recommended amount of daily caffeine intake. Drinking 4 to 5 cups is fine for most coffee drinkers. However, make sure your caffeine intake remains under 400 mg.
  • Avoid dairy items if you have lactose intolerance. Do not add whole milk or creamer to coffee in case of suffering from constipation.
  • Since sweeteners cause constipation, adding less sugar to coffee while preparing can be a good idea. You can add honey, cinnamon, or other healthy ingredients to make coffee flavorful.

When Should You Be Worried about Constipation?

When should you be worried about constipation

You don’t need to be worried when struggling with constipation for a few days, even a week. Your body itself should get your bowel movements back to normal.
However, you should know the alarming signs of constipation. If your constipation lasts more than three weeks with blood in your stools and terrible pain, it is an emergency condition. You need to meet a doctor as fast as you can.

Final words

Coffee is very beneficial for keeping our bowel and colon active. However, many people experience the opposite after drinking coffee. Can coffee cause constipation? In short, coffee can cause constipation, but we are also liable for this.

We become indisciplined while brewing and drinking coffee. Many people have been seriously addicted to coffee. They drink coffee more than the safe limit, which can lead to many physical complications like constipation.

Moreover, coffee drinkers enjoy consuming several unhealthy additives with coffee. They can also interrupt your natural bowel movement. So, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to get rid of constipation rather than giving up coffee.


Based in Millburn, NJ, I'm a passionate barista and expert roaster committed to the art of the perfect brew. I have a strong following of loyal customers who appreciate my expertise and friendly demeanor. In my free time, I'm experimenting with innovative coffee recipes and brewing methods to share with my community.

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